(Track 1)One Fish! Two Fish! Three Fish! Today is Fish Stock 2019 at Green Lakes State Park in Fayetteville, New York.
{***SOT FULL***}(CG: xxx)[TAKE SOTDURATION:0:00] (” The state parks, the village of Manlius, and the town parks, and the county parks got together and we’re gonna do this event every year to allow kids to go out and see us go through the whole stocking process of how we put rainbow trout into Green Lakes.”)
(Track 2)
Eric Stanczyk is the superintendent of Carpenter’s Brook Fish Hatchery in Onondaga County Park. Today is all about re-stocking Green Lake with Rainbow Trout, which Stanczyk and others at the hatchery have been raising for the last year and a half.
{***SOT FULL***}(CG: xxx )[TAKE SOTDURATION:0:00] (“They do help some of the bio-mass, so they are keeping some of the bugs and some of the other fish in check, but most of the time it’s for sport fishing so people can come out and enjoy.”)
(Track 3)
And with most local schools being on spring break this week, no one is enjoying Fish Stock quite like the kids.{***SOT FULL***}(CG: xxx )
[TAKE SOTDURATION:0:00] (” I named mine Perry and Pearl.”)
{***SOT FULL***}(CG: xxx )[TAKE SOTDURATION:0:00] (” Ummm… Tom and Jerry”) {***SOT FULL***}(CG: xxx )[TAKE SOTDURATION:0:00] (” I named mine Black Spots. Ummmm because he had spots!”)
(Track 4)
If you’re anything like me, you might be wondering what gets kids so excited about fish. So, I went ahead and asked them.
{***SOT FULL***}(CG: xxx )[TAKE SOTDURATION:0:00] (” Because I think they’re jumpy and I think they’re cute.”) (” Same thing as me. Oh and one reason… because it’s soft.”)
(Track 5)”Hailey Rene N-C-C News” NAT SOUND: “There you go fish, alive!”
By Hailey René SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Green Lakes State Park held their annual Fish Stock 2019 on Wednesday. Fish Stock is a day dedicated to replenishing Green Lake’s stock of rainbow trout for fishing season. The catch? A few experts helped to move the process along. Ok, not quite experts, but a few hundred kids!
“We’re gonna do this event every year to allow kids to go out and see us go through the whole stocking process of how we put rainbow trout into Green Lakes,” said Eric Stanczyk, Superintendent of Carpenter’s Brook Fish Hatchery in Onondaga County Park.
Since it’s spring break week for most local schools this week, kids of all ages came out for the Fish Stock event to get their own rainbow trout to dump in the lake. Many of the children named their fish before dumping them into the lake. After they finished, each child was given a certificate to commemorate their fish stocking experience!
A five year old boy named Kiernan said he liked the fish “because it’s soft.” His sister, on the other hand said she liked them because “I think they’re jumpy and I think they’re cute.”
By the end of the event, it was expected that more than 300 kids came through the fish bucket line to help assist in the restocking of the lake.