SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — President Joe Biden’s visit to Onondaga Community College on Thursday has community members not only excited for the day off, but for their future as well.
Micron’s announcement to build a chip manufacturing plant in Clay has emphasized to people at OCC, such as Faculty Senate President Nina Tamrowski, how bright the future is for students.
Tamrowski said Biden and his visit, in which he plans to make remarks on Micron’s announcement and its importance in American manufacturing, cement how impactful this is for the OCC community and Central New York.
“We’re here to help train the workforce people,” Tamrowski said. “This puts emphasis [that] role, which is growing for us.”
OCC has an applied engineering technology department. Tamrowski said Micron plans to hire some of its 9,000 employees from nearby colleges such as OCC. Tamrowski added that OCC’s role in training potential Micron employees is crucial for the computer chip manufacturer.
“[The department] would be housing a clean lab, where they will be teaching technicians to do chip manufacturing,” Tamrowski said.
Tamrowski added that the college and Micron have been working with each other for a while now to discuss how to move forward.
“Micron has been at our campus all for meetings and other things,” Tamrowski said. “[Today] is just the big event with politicians.”