An Experimental Open Mic is Hosted at Wunderbar An Experimental Open Mic is Hosted at Wunderbar.

JOSUE MARQUEZ; The stage is set. Located in the back of Wunderbar, spectators and performers are coming together to put on different shows of their own during an experimental open mic.

RONAN FORTIN: I’ve never been so immersed in just the art, just the music, just the comedy.

MARQUEZ: Artists and performers from Syracuse and neighboring cities come together to share their talents. For some, it is their first time participating in an experimental open mic or performing at all.

ELI BAEZ: I really wanted to stretch myself and make myself really uncomfortable to put out something totally different that I’m not trained in at all.

MARQUEZ: From music, to magic, to stand-up, Chris is creating a space for people to come together to share and develop their work.

CHRIS CRESSWELL: There aren’t that many spaces where you can just go, like, try out new stuff. Um, and so for me I was wanting that space and since I wasn’t able to find that space, I wanted to create that space.”

MARQUEZ: Chris has been a musician for many years and understands the importance of having the space to share finished and unfinished work within this new platform.

CRESSWELL: Maybe you come to hang out the first time and the next time you come, and you present your work and then you come. The next time you don’t have anything new to present but you’re just hanging out amongst friends and hearing cool and interesting things happen.”

MARQUEZ: Chris plans to hold more events in the future. NCC News, Josue Marquez.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – An experimental open mic night was held for artists and performers at Wunderbar in Downtown Syracuse on Nov. 30. Artists and performers had an opportunity to share their finished acts and works in progress. The idea was started by the founder and artistic director of 315 Ensemble, Chris Creswell, when he was searching for an area for himself.

“There aren’t that many spaces where you can just go try out new stuff,” said Creswell. “So, for me, I was wanting that space and since I wasn’t able to find that space, I wanted to create that space.”

Creswell encourages artists to share pieces that aren’t complete and to revile in the “in-between space” of a set. The open mic night strives for anyone from any walk of life to share in a space they feel most comfortable. A local performer Eli Baez feels the environment and the atmosphere help bring that feeling of openness to the event.

“In terms of being gender divergent or diverse, as well as an up-and-coming artist, I mean I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time or a better place to be,” said Baez.

With many local artists being able to share their performances and work, the overall theme of the night was new beginnings. This isn’t the only mic night though. Chris plans to continue the experimental open mic night in the future.

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