Armory Square Holiday Donation Drive Gives Back to CNY Students Armory Square Holiday Donation Drive

(ANCHOR): Armory Square is holding a warm clothing drive for young kids in the Syracuse area, N-C-C News Christian Dahms has more.

(DAHMS): This week, Armory Square kicked off the winter season with their Holiday Donation Drive. Ten businesses in the downtown district will have drop-off boxes where patrons can donate winter clothing to Syracuse City School District students. Anthony Pham, who does marketing for the city’s Downtown Committee, says that the drive means a lot to the business owners.

(PHAM): “A couple of the business owners are former teachers, so this is a really big passion project for them, and they have, they understand the needs of a school district right now heavily especially with how much need there is.”

(DAHMS): Not only does the drive plan to help students in need, but it gives a chance for people to see Armory Square in a different light.

(PHAM): “It’s typically referred to as a ‘nightlife’ district, but this is one way where the businesses wanted to show off the fact that they care more about the community and wanted to, um, do some sort of targeted outreach to be able to help the students.”

(DAHMS): Those who make a donation are also eligible for discounts to the businesses hosting the drive, making it a gift for all parties involved.
Christian Dahms, N-C-C News.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – The Holiday season is a time of giving, and for Armory Square, that spirit is being channeled through their Winter Clothing drive. The drive kicked off this Monday, with ten businesses serving as drop-off locations for patrons to donate winter jackets, hats, gloves, and other winter clothing to Syracuse City School District Students.

Anthony Pham, the marketing and promotions assistant for the city’s Downtown Committee, said that the idea for the clothing drive was motivated by wanting to increase foot traffic in the district, while also giving back to the community. “A couple of the business owners are former teachers, so this is a really big passion project for them.” Pham said.

The drive seeks to provide winter clothing to students who will need it for the harsh winter weather that Syracuse is known for. Pham says that they want to help out middle school and high school students specifically, who are often left out of other clothing drives due to the difference in costs with children’s clothing. “It tends to not be what people focus on because it’s no longer children’s sizing,” Pham said.  “So this is one way where we can be a little more targeted in what we do to give back to the community.”

For those who make a donation to one of the drop-off boxes at an Armory Square business, they will receive a stamp card with discounts to multiple shops in the district that are valid through the end of January. The drive will continue at participating Armory Square businesses until December 9th.


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