TRUXTON, N.Y. (NCC News) — The lack of snow this winter in Central New York has not stopped skiers from enjoying their winter hobby.
Owner and operator of Labrador and Song Mountain Peter Harris says if it were not for man-made snow the slopes would be empty. He said, “Most ski areas in this day in age rely at least partly on man-made snow. It’s very clear all the ski areas in the Northeast wouldn’t have had much of a year without man-made snow.”
This type of snow is made by blowing water into the air when it’s cold causing it to freeze and fall to the ground on the hill. Harris said, it’s best to wait until snow falls naturally and cover that with man-made snow to ensure the best snow for skiers that won’t melt.
Although, this snow helps ski mountains generate revenue it is a very expensive process. Harris explained the process of making this snow is something he always budgets for. He said, “It depends on electricity and labor so yes it’s expensive but it’s part of the routine and we’re used to doing it and we’ve invested a lot of money into the system so it works very well.”
Luckily, this investment has paid off because Labrador and Song Mountains were able to open the week before Christmas like they normally do and they have not had to close at all for the lack of snow this season.