Cyrah Miller always dreamed of having a baby, but Miller never expected it to be like this. Living in Gwinnett still feels normal, being able to stay in the house for everything but necessities has made her feel safe. N-C-C’s Xavier Brown reports, Why quarantining has been so vital.
NAME:Cyrah Miller
at :35
Miller says, she has looked forward to being able to relax after the delivery. Release will come sooner than expected. The stay time for Mothers has decreased, and a concern of millers is her house being safe enough for the arrival of her newborn.
NAME:Cyrah Miller
at 2:40
The Georgia Department of Health says African American women are most at risk with the most confirmed cases. Miller says she does fear contracting the Virus.
NAME:Cyrah Miller
at 1:00
Miller says she has been healthy her whole pregnancy, and has taken all the precautionary measures to have a safe delivery and a safe baby.
Xavier Brown, N-C-C News
GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA (NCC News)– It was 9:15am on a Tuesday morning and Cyrah Miller, a nine month pregnant, first time mother, is starting her morning like walking her dog.
This Is something Miller has been doing since the end of November, She gets gets up early in the morning to walk her neighborhood, she can stay active with less interaction.
“Gives me routine and keeps me from being lazy” explained Miller.
Miller says she is believer in quarantining , she has a family member or friend do her errands so she can stay inside and she should. Pregnant African American women are at higher risk to contract Covid-19 especially in Gwinnett county. But new restrictions such as a decrease in hospital days and less visitors have made the delivery environment more stable.
” Being able to leave the hospital a day or two earlier could be great, I just want to make sure everything is safe” says Miller.
The Georgia Department of Health says Gwinnett has 12,489 confirmed cases, 1,467 hospitalized, and 191 total deaths.