CrossFit Dewitt Tips its Hat to Late Member Michael Kriesel CrossFit Dewitt Tips Its Hat to Late Member Michael Kriesel

Each year, CrossFit Dewitt wears hats to honor late member Michael Kriesel.

TAYLOR MASCETTA: Michael Kriesel always wore a Miami Dolphins baseball hat to his workouts at CrossFit Dewitt. The gym’s owner, Tex Jones, never understood why.

TEX JONES: How he did it, why he did it, I’ll never know. But he did, and he loved it, and I hated it.

TAYLOR MASCETTA: Kriesel, a regular at the gym, died in a car crash in 2013. Every year on Kriesel’s birthday, Jones asks his athletes to work out with a hat on. Gym regular Nancy Hammond never met Kriesel, but says his memory brings the gym together.

NANCY HAMMOND: We know this is coming. We know it’s coming for a while because Tex lets us know when he posts it, and it just pays homage to somebody that died way too early.

TAYLOR MASCETTA: Hammond gave Kriesel credit for doing every exercise with a hat on.

NANCY HAMMOND: It was really uncomfortable, but again, when the cause is important, you just do it.

TAYLOR MASCETTA: Jones named the daily warmup after Kriesel to keep his memory alive.

TEX JONES: A lot of people have workouts. Not many people have warm ups.

TAYLOR MASCETTA: I’m Taylor Mascetta, N-C-C News.


DEWITT, New York (NCC News) – CrossFit DeWitt is honoring a fallen friend with the annual “Hats on for Mike” event.

Michael Kriesel of Manlius, New York, died in a car crash at the age of 22. This year marks the 10th anniversary of his death.

Tex Jones has owned CrossFit DeWitt since 2001. He said Kriesel was a beloved member of the gym’s community – even the warmup is named after Mike.

“He’ll be remembered for a long time,” said Jones. “A lot of people have workouts. Not many people have their own warmup.”


A part of CrossFit DeWitt's workout space.
Crossfit DeWitt is tucked away behind a shopping plaza.
© 2023 Taylor Mascetta

Kriesel wore a Miami Dolphins baseball cap for every single session, despite working out in a warm basement.

“How he did it, why he did it, I’ll never know. But he did and he loved it,” Jones said.

CrossFit DeWitt designed the workout’s number of exercises to honor Kriesel’s birthday.

“We do 1990 rows, for the year he was born,” Jones explained. “Seven cleans is for the month, and 17 pullups is for the day.”

CrossFit DeWitt encourages anyone who couldn’t attend the event to send pictures of them working out, hats on, and thumbs up.

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