Denim Day: A Chance to Support Sexual Assault Victims Denim Day: A Chance to Support Sexual Assault Victims

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News)- April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, and this past Wednesday millions of people from around the world wore denim to show support for sexual assualt victims. This day hits close to home for many women in Syracuse as 1 out of 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes according to Amanda Eyeam, the prevention educator at Vera House in Syracuse.

“I think at the very least it lets victims know that that part of our society is wrong and that the norms shouldn’t be to depict their lives. And so for some survivors it could be a symbol to come forward, to share their story, to report the crime that happened against them,” Eyeam said.

Denim Day started in 1992 when an 18-year-old Italian girl was raped by her 45-year-old driving instructor. He was initially convicted, but in 1998 he appealed the charges and the Italian Supreme Court decided that the young woman’s jeans were so tight she must have helped him take them off, thereby implying consent.

Following the decision, women in the Italian Parliament showed up the next day in jeans and it drew attention from people all around the world. A year later in 1999, the Los Angeles based organization, Peace over Violence, started national Denim Day here in the U.S.

A survivor of sexual assault herself, Eyeam urges people to wear denim not only to support the victims of sexual assault, but to encourage people to eduacte themselves, donate to organizations that combat sexual assault, and raise awareness in general.

“This day shows them that they are not alone,” she said.

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