DeWitt Voters Focus on Local Youth This Election Season DeWitt Voters Focus on Local Youth This Election Season

Anthony Leon: Steve Scaramuzzino brought his son Parker to their polling place in DeWitt on Election Day. Although Parker is only 13-years-old, he believes everyone should vote in every election.

Parker Scaramuzzino: It’s not like the biggest one that matters. It’s like all the small parts that make up of it that like help the government work and stuff.

Leon: A relatively small turnout this year, people from all walks of life still came to cast their ballot at Jamesville DeWitt High School. Scaramuzzino has been voting for the last 38 years and believes when his son turns 18, he will vote.

Steve Scaramuzzino: I think you got to teach the youth of America why we are America and what it means, especially in today’s world and how it’s gonig.

Leon: It’s never too early to learn about voting. Just ask Bruce Kingma. With his granddaughter in his arms, Kingma explains how his children learned about voting wehn they were young and how kids can learn amore about democracy through elections.

Bruce Kingma: It’s nice to bring her along. We brought our children along when they were young, just to get them in the habit of it, for them to know what it’s like to vote and it’s a good thing to bring her along so when she gets older and she’s eligible to vote, she’ll vote.

Leon: Just like a test in school, Parker believes he can ace the ballot when he comes of age.

Parker Scaramuzzino: You look at it and you see, like how easy it is, and you can see that everybody can vote, and it’s not that hard to vote.

Leon: Reporting in DeWitt, I’m Anthony Leon for Democracy in Action.

DeWitt, N.Y. (NCC News) – Election Day can often be full of anxiety for some. For others, voting can put American democracy on the map for their kids.

Steve Scaramuzzino and his 13-year-old son Parker made the trip to Jamesville-DeWitt High School to truly see the importance of voting.

Seeing his dad cast his ballot was really special for Parker, as it showed him why voting is such a special right.

“The right to vote is special to everybody and every vote matters really,” Scaramuzzino said.

As someone who has voted for the last 38 years, Scaramuzzino believes people should go to the polls every year, regardless of the race.

“I think it’s always an important part of what our democracy’s about,” Scaramuzzino said. “If you want a say in a matter, you need to come out and vote for who you want to voice your opinions in government offices.”

With uncertain times surrounding America’s political climate, Bruce Kingma explains that people need to vote so they can feel comfortable with the direction their country is heading.

“It’s the way we bring about leadership in this country locally [and] nationally and you want to make certain that you have a voice in that,” Kingma said. “The only way to make certain that you feel comfortable about the outcome is making certain that you vote.”

Holding his granddaughter in his arms, Kingma says he brought his children out so they can get in the habit and know what it’s like to vote. Voting is a right that people often take for granted.

“Not everybody votes, not everybody that’s eligible to vote does vote,” Kingma said. “I want to make certain that my children and my grandchildren take that responsibility seriously.”

By teaching his kids how to vote at a young age, Kingma believes his family and other families like his can continue voting for change in DeWitt.

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