Niantic, Conn. (NCC NEWS)- Phase Two of reopening has been in effect for three weeks. Following CDC guidelines, gyms have been allowed to open with 25 percent capacity. A Connecticut gym has been open for three months through virtual sessions and now have in-person classes.
Calvin McCoy, owner of Advantage Fitness moved to virtual sessions just two days of being closed down.
“You need to adapt or you’re going to die,” McCoy says. “We need to be able to function still, as a resource, and as a business, and to be a resource to our people, how do we continue to help them to stay healthy and strong and keep their immune system built up? You need to keep moving, so let us help you” he added.

Group workouts through Zoom were available to members. In these sessions, people were able to get tips from their trainers and interact with other class participants. Anyone who wanted a private class booked appointments to train either in-person or through Zoom.
“We set up private and semi-private sessions at times that were more convenient for their schedule,” McCoy said.

The facility is only allowed 25 people including staff and gym members. McCoy says “People have had to utilize our mobile app to do their online scheduling for certain sessions, and we then have to limit the amount of people that can be in the gym. We have to know who’s coming in and when; they can’t just randomly show up” he added.
Advantage Fitness has created rules within the CDC guidelines that keep staff and members safe and healthy. These rules include wiping down the equipment after each use, changing the direction fans blow, requiring a mask when traveling throughout the gym, and regulating the flow of traffic so members enter in one area and leave in another area.
“Members are staying restricted to a particular area during their workout, and they’re making sure they maintain a 12-foot distance between themselves and other exercisers,” said McCoy.
Members who haven’t returned to the gym or participated in the virtual sessions get an additional three months added to the end of their contract. McCoy explained some members are won’t be returning soon but the services to enhance their fitness are available.