SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – The CNY RV and Camping Show is not just for people looking to get a new vehicle. Take Bruce Silvers who already owns an RV. “I’m just looking at improvements and what I can do to mine. Upgrade mine in different areas.” Silvers is undeterred from this event despite his risk of catching the coronavirus. An epidemic with nearly 100,000 confirmed cases globally according to Johns Hopkins University.
“I’m more concerned with the flu than I am the coronavirus right now. I carry my hand sanitizer so I’m all set to go any time climbing on the rigs. I can just sanitize my hands and I’m set,” Silvers said.
Rodger Layne, a salesman for Burdick’s RV Center, shared a similar sentiment. “The coronavirus is just starting to hit New York. Now if this show was 60 days from now, for instance, and the coronavirus is much worse in New York, a lot of people would avoid it, but I don’t believe it will have any impact now,” he said.
Despite worldwide concerns about the Coronavirus, Silvers and Layne are living their lives normally. One looking into upgrading his vehicle while the other continues on with business as usual. That may not be the case outside Central New York.
“I’m sure if we were in California some dealers out there would be more concerned, where there is more of an effect. It’s just now really starting to hit this country,” said Layne.
“I think they are going to contain the people who contracted it. There will be an outbreak here and there and it’s going to be contained as much as they can,” Silvers said. If people use common sense and when they’re sick don’t travel around and expose other people, it’ll be a short-lived thing.
Bruce Silvers isn’t worried. What he’s focused on is upgrading his RV. “People do it with cars. Same thing. You make it yours,” Silvers said.