SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – Lead Safe CNY is striving to create a lead free environment in Syracuse. Lead Safe CNY is an organization that gives grants to other local organizations looking to help with lead poisoning problems.
This week, Lead Safe’s task force committee is meeting with local pediatricians to discuss grants for new lead care machines. Lead Safe’s Grant Opportunity Manager Robyn Smith said these machines can help improve the community.
“So that’s the machine that just does the quick finger prick on a child at their well child visit to see if they have elevated blood lead levels, Smith said. “Some of our local pediatricians, and family care providers don’t have the equipment within their offices to do that.”

Last week, Lead Safe granted $150,000 to the city of Syracuse to help remove lead paint throughout homes in Onondaga County. A large majority of older Syracuse city homes have lead paint problems due to broken windows, doors, roofs, etc. Smith and the rest of Lead Safe have already created plans to help deal with this.
“We know that lead is in about 90% of the housing stock in Syracuse because it was built before 1980, so we decided to use a multi-pronged approach, which is working through the built environment, so kind of stopping the lead paint where it starts,” Smith said.
Lead Safe originally committed the next four years to help decrease the region’s alarming childhood lead poisoning rates. This plan has been pushed back to five years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, visit the Lead Safe CNY website at https://www.leadsafecny.org/about.html.