NCC News Brief: June 10, 2021 NCC News Brief: June 10, 2021

SARAH SALZMAN: This is your NCC Newsbrief. It’s June 10th. I’m Sarah Salzman. Today Kicks off the 48th annual Greek Cultural Festival. And even though the festival is drive-thru style due to the pandemic, St. Sophia’s church member Sophia Meskos says the Greek community and all Syracuse residents are excited to celebrate.

SOPHIA MESKOS: It’s a huge tradition for all of us in Syracuse. even for non-Greeks in Syracuse, they love it year after year. We’re always happy to have that.

SALZMAN: The Syracuse City School District is receiving $100 million in stimulus money from the American Rescue Plan. A survey was sent to parents in the district to determine how they want the money to be spent. Damyria Smarr says she wants the money to got toward things like better classroom conditions and school lunches.

DAMYRIA SMARR: I don’t think they have A/C in the school so they should do that. They don’t eat their lunch so they should buy better food since they have all this money.

SALZMAN: Surveys are due next Friday, June 18th. And a Syracuse woman has over 50,000 views on Tik Tok after sharing her line of LGBT+ inclusive greeting cards to kick off pride month. Too You, With Love owner Alex Davidson says she created her brand after noticing a lack of queer representation. There’s not really any options, well, there are some options for queer people but not a million. I kind of just wanted to do something.

ALEX DAVIDSON: When you go to the store and look for a greeting card there aren’t many inclusive options. A lot of cards are really straight and really gendered.

SALZMAN: You can find full news stories on our website and follow us on social media at NCC News online. Until next Tuesday, this is your NCC Newsbrief.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS) — The 48th annual Greek Cultural Festival kicks off, the Syracuse City School district surveys parents on how they should spend the $100 million stimulus from the American Rescue Plan and a Syracuse woman goes viral on TikTok after sharing her LGBT+ inclusive greeting cards.

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