NCC News Brief: June 17, 2021 NCC News Brief

MAYA LOCKETT:This is your NCC news brief. It’s June 17. I’m Maya Lockett Biden is set to sign the Juneteenth bill creating the first new federal holiday in decades in the Supreme Court saves Obamacare after seven out of nine supreme court justices voted to keep the affordable care act and unfair keys to Syracuse Mets just announced that they are allowing 100% full capacity with no proof of vaccination. In two years after girls were allowed to participate in scouts BSA Onondaga county will have its first two female Eagle Scouts.

FRANKIE BROWN: I’ve done so many things that I never would have done. We’ve both flown planes we flew planes through scouting.

MAYA LOCKETT: Kicking off in Cazenovia, Cazenovia pride fest starts June 18. With a three day festival.

CAZENOVIA SHOP MANAGER: Marginalized communities like the LGBTQ community, I think it’s super important for those communities, especially the youth in those communities to know that they’re supported.

MAYA LOCKETT And this Sunday shopping that we’ll be hosting a Father’s Day celebration. You can find full news stories on our website and follow us on social media at NCC news online. Until next Thursday, this your NCC news brief

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Juneteenth is officially a national holiday, the Syracuse Mets will allow 100% capacity with no proof of vaccination and Cazenovia Pride fest kicks off June 18, with a three-day festival.  That and more on your NCC News Brief.

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