New York State Fair Promotes Official Websites New York State Fair Promotes Official Websites

The sites offer reliable information and interactive features.

Maria Trivelpiece: The New York State Fair administration building says that people have been asking about events that they are not aware of. If you are looking for information, Public relations manager, Dave Bullard says to use the fair’s two websites.

Dave Bullard: So we have two websites, one for the fair at N-Y-S-FAIR-DOT-NY-DOT-GOV. And one for the non-fair and the rest of the year’s events at N-Y-S-FAIRGROUNDS-DOT-NY-DOT-GOV.

Maria Trivelpiece: Information located in other places cannot be verified by the New York State fair administration. Bullard says anything you need to know is there.

Dave Bullard: You can find on either one, schedules of events, calendars of events and as the fair gets closer you’ll get the full schedule of what’s going on minute-by-minute of the fair.

Maria Trivelpiece: The websites also offer fair-goers the ability to personalize and customize an agenda for their day at the fair. Maria Trivelpiece, N-C-C News.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS) – People looking for information on the New York State Fair are being misled by some websites listing events that the New York State Fair administration building do not have a record of. Public relations manager, Dave Bullard says that people should get their information from the fair’s official websites.

“We have two websites,” he says. “Lots of good things can happen on those websites.”

The sites offer users the ability to see schedules of events and locations of food and merchandise; and, most importantly, accurate events and information. There is even a feature that allows for fairgoers to customize their own agenda for the day. As the fair gets closer, the websites will be updated with even more information, times and schedules. It is all part of the preparation for such a large event.

“It takes about a good month to set up for an invasion of 1.2 million people,” says Bullard in reference to the actual physical setup of the fairgrounds.

The more that fairgoers rely on the official websites, the better information they will receive. They also have a Twitter page. The New York State Fair begins on Aug. 21 and lasts until Sept. 2.



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