by Jake Fenner SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – The State of New York will begin enforcing a law requiring anyone transporting children under the age of two to secure them in a rear-facing child seat.
The law goes into effect November 1st as part of a growing movement across the country to put children in rear facing seats, which are safer according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
“Riding rear-facing better protects the child’s neck and spine, two of the most vulnerable parts of the body,” said Chrystal Johnson, Madison County Health Department Public Health Educator. “In the event of a crash, we want to lessen the risk of serious injury to the neck and back.”
Experts recommend infants and toddlers are in a rear-facing seat until they reach the height and weight limits for the seat. There are three kinds of these seats, which vary in size and expected length of use.