At the Onondaga Free Library, there’s more to a library than just books. The library has started a new service project that created a bond within the community, while helping local organizations. This project consists of three days.
The Youth Services Librarian, Maggie Gall, created the ‘Crafting for a Cause’ project. It originates from the DIY Girls organization, which was a service organization at the library that was directed to middle school aged girls. However, Gall wanted the service projects to be open to the entire community and different age groups. As a result, she started Crafting for a Cause in September.
The second Crafting for a Cause event was Monday, October 15 at the library. The 15 people that attended the event created three different toys for the Central New York Cat Coalition. The first toy was Yarn with Catnip. To make this toy a Styrofoam ball was dipped in glue, covered in cat nip, then wrapped in yarn.

The second toy was Ribbon on a stick. For this toy, different colored ribbons were duct taped on to a paint stirrer. This toy was a cheaper version of a cat toy you would see in stores. Lastly, the group made Bells in Tubes. Since cats like objects that make noise, bells were taped on the inside of toilet paper tubes. Then, the tube was wrapped in wrapping paper.
These three toys will be given to the cat coalition where stray cats are sheltered and taken care of. Gall got the idea from a “friends of the library”, as she put it, frequently goes to the Central New York Cat Coalition. Therefore, Maggie decided to make homemade cat toys to benefit cats at the shelter.
Materials that can be found around the house were used to make these toys. Materials such as paper towel tubes, wrapping paper, glue, ribbons, and yard. Only a few materials were bought when planning of the event.
The goal of this event was “for people to bring home a new skill that they can apply and create a stronger bond within the community, while helping a local organization,” said Gall.
The next event will be November 5 in the library. This event will benefit veterans at the VA hospital in downtown Syracuse. Attendees will be cutting out stars from retired American flags to give to the veterans. People of all ages are encouraged to attend and are encouraged to register on the Onondaga Free Library website. The event is from 6:30 to 7:30 at night in the library.