SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS)- Yngrid Periera, a graduate student at Syracuse University, is packing everything in preparation for not coming back to campus in the spring.
“We have plans to come back, but we are not sure the University will be open next semester,” she said. “So I won’t take the risk of having to return to Syracuse.”
The University plans to reopen Jan. 25, but with the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases on campus has left a lot of question marks on a possible return in the spring. For Bianca Perez, an SU freshman who is from Puerto Rico, packing is paired with some anxiety.
“And that’s kind of stressful because they are saying it is unlikely we won’t come back, but still there is an off chance that anything can happen,” Perez said.
The University gave all students on campus recommendations on packing, telling students to pack everything important. Any other items are to be left in the room, in boxes with shipping information printed on them.
The uncertainty of going home means students like Bianca Perez will be purchasing one way airplane tickets home. Hillary Dallas, who oversees travel bookings for Aon Service Corporation, says that while the cost of overall travel is down, the price of a one way ticket will probably cost students more.
“I mean, the cost of one way tickets is usually more expensive I mean that’s the general rule,” she said.
Syracuse University shut down residential learning Nov. 12, as COVID-19 cases continued to spike. For more information click here to see the COVID-19 cases on campus.