KARL WINTER: I’m Karl Winter reporting for N-C-C News. Here are the stories making news today in Central New York.
It’s hot and sunny this afternoon, with highs in the upper 80s.
The State issued a drought watch for 21 counties including Onondaga over the weekend.
Local produce farmer Nolan Reeves says his business is impacted, but the crops are doing well.
NOLAN REEVES: A lack of rain means I work harder and I spend more money on fuel, but the health of the plant is actually improved a lot usually, because most of the plants like heat.”
WINTER: Heat and humidity will continue throughout the week.
Over in Auburn, a legendary C-N-Y native is getting her own coins.
The U-S Treasury will mint special coins in Harriet Tubman’s honor, 200 years after her birth.
Park Ranger Steve Tyler from the Harriet Tubman Home says the coins will bring more attention to the Underground Railroad hero.
STEVE TYLER: People are becoming more aware of – not just in Auburn but nationally – of the resource that Harriet Tubman was.
WINTER: And finally, Syracuse University relaxes its COVID restrictions for the new school year.
Masks will be optional in the fall semester, and testing is not required.
Student Daniel Chuardy is comfortable with the changes.
DANIEL CHUARDY: I think we’re ready to move on forward, although I would still be cautious with it.
WINTER: For N-C-C News, I’m Karl Winter reporting. You can find full stories on our website, N-C-C News-Online-DOT-COM.
Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) — Click above to hear the latest news update from NCC News on the afternoon of Monday, Aug. 1.