SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS)– Uncertain weather conditions are causing delays when it comes to road construction in Downtown Syracuse.
Some of the roads that may undergo construction were revealed in the joint meeting between the Downtown Committee of Syracuse and the City of Syracuse Staff. These zoom meetings are held every other Tuesday to inform the public what construction is occurring in the area.
Different major roads in the area may be undergoing road striping this week, but it all depends on the cold weather according to spokesperson Mirza Malkoc.
“We are hoping to be complete by Thanksgiving on the rest of Jefferson which is from Selena to Columbus Circle and Montgomery from Erie BLVD to Adams” according to Malkoc.
There are other areas in the downtown area that may experience unexpected construction.
“Clinton and Warren, the only thing that is left is stripping, we are still debating if it should be permanent or temporary stripping, also that depends on the weather” according to Malkoc.
There will also be flashing beacons installed at the Clinton and Walton intersection, but Mirza said there will be minimal impact on businesses and work.