LIVERPOOL, NY (NCC News) – The annual Lights on the Lake lightshow is up and running at Onondaga Lake Park. The show has been around since 1989. Dale Grinolds worked at the park’s office for 29 of those 32 years. He’s seen the show grow from a few displays that looked like “something you’d see on your lawn” to the 2-mile-long showcase that stretches the entirety of the western shore of Onondaga Lake.
“The biggest change has just been the size of the show,” Grinolds said. “The number of displays has just climbed astronomically.”

Grinolds has changed and evolved along with the show. When he first started as an entry level employee in 1992 Lights on the Lake was one the first projects he worked on.
“It was my first job out of college,” Grinolds recalled. “I worked my way up from cleaning bathrooms and one of my first big jobs was running Lights on the Lake my very first year.”

Attendees purchase one ticket per vehicle and get the chance to drive through the lightshow. Letting visitors drive through instead of walking helps ensure more people get the chance to visit given the cold weather in Onondaga County, especially at night. Although one long time resident, Dan Davis, who says he tries to come every year, has a fond memory of winter weather at Lights on the Lake.
“I have a good memory when it was in a snowstorm,” said Davis. “Cars were sliding all over the place, but everybody was having a good time.”
This year the Onondaga County Parks Department expects approximately 43,000 cars will drive through the display before it closes on January 14th. Last year, was a record-breaking year because of the pandemic, with roughly 55,000 cars attending. Grinolds is proud that show was open last year and that it was able to provide county residents with something to do when many other activities were closed.

“Last year we were very proud to be one of the few things that people could do during the pandemic,” said Grinolds.
Even though 2021 attendance is expected to return to pre-pandemic levels Grinolds said he “doesn’t consider that a negative.”