Syracuse Basketball Documentary To Premier At Landmark Theatre on Wednesday Syracuse Basketball Documentary to Premier at Landmark Theatre on Wednesday

The event on Wednesday will show the film then have a panel afterwards

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS) —  In April of 2003, Syracuse became champions of the world. Today, 20 years later, a new documentary highlights SU’s monumental accomplishment. On Wednesday night, “Will to Win” will premiere at Landmark Theatre in downtown Syracuse. Executive director of the theater Mike Intaglietta describes the importance of the event.

“This is exciting, this is the first film premiere of this magnitude and nature that we’ve had here so I think like a lot of people from the area I grew up watching Syracuse basketball and 2003 team was a real high point,”  Intaglietta said. “I’m really looking forward to having obviously we’ve had film premieres here over the years but this a pretty exciting one.”

Someone else who’s excited for this premiere is the lead reporter of the documentary, Mike Waters, who after hours of planning, watching, recording and watching  the documentary again, says he knows all the hard work will pay off when on Wednesday night he gets to watch it inside of the historic theater.

“If you’ve got a documentary on a seminal moment in Syracuse history, I think you have to show it at the Landmark. The Landmark has been around for decades, almost a century really, it is a gorgeous theater,” Waters said. “The 2003 National Title was a seminal moment in Syracuse history, it’s something that everybody in town has a memory of. Where else are you going to show a documentary of the 20th anniversary of the Syracuse basketball team if not the Landmark?”


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